[Grant Proposal] : Marinade Monthly Financial Reporting

Hey Marinade Community,

Name : Asymmetric Defi

Project : Marinade Monthly Financial Reporting

Detailed Description of Project :
Provide Monthly Reports about the State of the Marinade DAO. The reports would include : Overview of governance votes, Revenues, Expenses, Treasury Analysis, Competition Analysis, Macro Trends Analysis …

How will your project benefit the Marinade Ecosystem?
Inform the community about what’s going on with the DAO and how it is impacted by governance votes and crypto trends & news…
These reports will be the go to for the community to get informed about the state of the DAO similar to how investors look into financial statements to get informed about their equity investments in traditional finance.
Yes many of the figures are already available in dashboards, the goal is to aggregate what already exists, query new information if not available and produce a monthly report that will be shared here on the forum with the community under a “Finance” category. If you want to know how much the DAO made last month, the state of the treasury … you look into the report, no need to go looking into multiple data sources and forum posts.
I will also be tracking the forum to answer any questions about the DAO Finances.

How much are you requesting for these reports ?
12k USD (Paid in MNDE or Stables) for 12 Monthly Reports (1k USD per Monthly Report)

Other Information :
As an example, here is the Uniswap Nov-22 Report. Although, the Marinade reports will be structured differently …
Asymmetric Defi is both Uniswap & Aave Grantee


Requested Budget Breakdown : 1k/Month as Compensation for my time & efforts and to pay for any potential subscriptions (Token Terminal costs 350 USD/Month & Dune’s most popular plan costs 420 USD/Month for example).

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Hello, thanks for your interest!

Let me share this suggestion with our Grant committee and we can see if that’s a valid grant for them.

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Since this grant hasn’t been rejected nor approved yet! I am adding some details :

Instead of monthly reports, I can make quarterly reports to decrease the costs for the DAO. The funding request is the same 1k USD (in MNDE) per report.

Also, I can accept the funding of one quarterly report as test run before a longer period engagement.

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Hello @adalhi!

At a high level, I like the idea of having something like this which the community can access at any given time.

While we consider the proposal, can you please link us to your Uniswap grant application / any relevant forum discussion around the topic?

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Hey Dobby

Here is the link for the forum post for November’s report : Uniswap Monthly Financial Reporting - Nov 22 - Governance-Meta - Uniswap Governance

I am currently working on their report for December.

Grant award announcement : https://twitter.com/UniswapFND/status/1604855182163988480

The grant application & discussion were private through their grants program.

Since this grant is still under consideration, I am adding more details to make sure my perspective is well understood.

I see Marinade as a business, MNDE holders are the owners. These reports are mainly for passive investors. Contributors are crypto natives and can find richer data in dashboards. Passive investors don’t know about, nor use or have the time to go looking for these dashboards. These reports seek to inform these business owners about the state of their investment on a monthly or quarterly manner.

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Hi everyone, I would like to apply for this grant on behalf of HawkAI.

We are generally okay with the 12 monthly reports scope, but I think we’ll still need to align on what exactly is to be shown on each report. We assume reasonable complexity for charts that can be derived from on-chain data from the Flipside data warehouse (and other open source data).

In addition, we’ll need to further discuss how we handle the maintenance of these dashboards, especially given these are intended to be monthly reports, and will likely require monthly upkeep (data refreshes, business logic updates, additional chart requests). For this we would also like to build more clarity.

I.e., if HawkAI continues to maintain to say update business logic, and add new charts after initial delivery of the project, then we’ll need to charge that as a separate engagement, or we include that in the scope of this current proposal.

Lastly, we’re fully disclosing that we already have a previous grant approved, and can commit that the team will definitely have the capacity to take this on.

decent proposal to make. such information and statistics are so important nowadays to show the internals of the MarinadeDAO, that will boost the state of trust to it. cause sometimes its hard for someone to find this information, sometimes its even impossible. as we are on the blockchain, all the data should be accessible for ppl. in my opinion, its the same as to show a reserves data of an exchange

Hey grants committee

I withdraw this grant application. Thanks for the consideration.