[Proposal] Protocol Directed Stake

Currently there are 3 methods by which validators are assigned. Score, staking gauge, and msol directed stake. Accounting for 60/20/20 splits of determining allocation.

I’d like to propose a 4th method by which protocols would be entitled to vote for a portion of allocation based on their msol TVL. I’d say to start it would make sense to do 10% and maybe 20% long term. I think this could be a sustainable replacement for something like the opendoor program while still utilizing the code (for tvl monitoring by protocol) and learnings.

Any other larger msol integrators have any ideas on this?


Would stake potentially be directed twice then? User directs stake on Marinade, then deposits to Solend, who also directs the stake?

Considering Protocols are being incentivized to grow mSOL with MNDE this year my vote at this time would be to let protocols direct stake via MNDE.


Would stake potentially be directed twice then?

I think it would be weird to say ‘directed twice’ as it’s 2 separate systems, 1 system which has 20% influence and another which has 10% influence.

User directs stake on Marinade, then deposits to Solend, who also directs the stake?


Considering Protocols are being incentivized to grow mSOL with MNDE this year my vote at this time would be to let protocols direct stake via MNDE.

I think of this as more a long term potential replacement for opendoor which is more sustainable. also some protocols are effectively excluded from opendoor (for example orca) because of 1 large withdraw they had and a system like this addresses some of these issues.

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I like the idea. If there were bribing infra in place, this new “Open Doors” program could be incentivized via bribes (validators bribing protocols) rather than through MNDE as it currently is.


yeh, you dont really even need that infra in place it would not be difficult to find a validator willing to do it bespoke or run your own validator.


This could incentivise protocols to attract sticky mSOL TVL for good