Hello everyone, here is a proposal that has been worked on internally in Marinade and that we’d like to introduce to the mDAO
What do you propose?
We’d like to propose a new product by Marinade, geared mostly at self-stake validators. Using this product, they could deposit their stake account into Marinade and mSOL, unlocking their liquidity and making their capital more efficient, while getting guarantees that Marinade would return a share of this stake back to the validator depositing the stake.
In return, users of this product will keep the received mSOL in whitelisted options that Marinade will monitor. If the user moves those mSOL elsewhere, the equivalent stake assigned to its validator would be distributed to other validators.
This product would be open to superminority validators that Marinade would otherwise exclude, given that they would never be assigned stake from the main pool - at most they would be getting back a share of the stake accounts that they own themselves, while distributing the rest of their SOL according to Marinade’s standard strategy. This makes it a win both for the validators themselves, who get to unlock their self-stake for DeFi use; and for decentralization as a whole as Marinade spreads around a share of that SOL.
The specifics are:
- This product would not require any change to Marinade’s smart contracts, so there’s no added contract risk. It is mainly an addition to the delegation strategy.
- This product would use mSOL and participate to Marinade TVL, but the TVL brought by this product would be distinct and displayed separately.
- Marinade would accept up to 30% of its total TVL to be returned to validators using this product. As the TVL of this product goes above 30% of the total, validators would start getting back less stake from Marinade. (governable parameter)
- The stake accounts deposited to Marinade must contain at least 100k SOL.
- The whitelisted options in the first iteration would contain:
- Deposit mSOL as collateral on Solend
- Keep mSOL in your wallet
- Access to this product is whitelisted. We will require validators to get in touch with Marinade beforehand, so that we can configure things before they deposit their stake account. Marinade would create an onboarding process.
- Any validator can apply to participate as long as they have:
- a self-stake account > to 100k SOL
- a commission on their validator of 10% or lower
- an average APY of at least 5%.
What is the expected positive impact of this change?
- Under the current status quo, there is no scenario in which a large validator’s self-sake would ever get deposited in Marinade and distributed to other validators, as they would have no incentive for doing it. This product gives them a reason to accept the trade-offs coming from smart contract risk, in exchange for unlocking their stake and helping stake decentralization overall.
- Everything above 30% of the total TVL coming from this product would be redistributed via the delegation strategy, raising the amount of stake to be distributed by Marinade, even to smaller validators. Solana’s Nakamoto coefficient could skyrocket if Marinade attracts a lot of stake this way.
- The unlocked capital would arrive in DeFi and benefit Solana’s DeFi ecosystem as a whole.
- Marinade TVL could grow by multiple millions of SOL very quickly, both increasing MNDE’s power (as it controls the gauges) and helping secure the project’s future.
- Validators would receive between 30%-100% of their self-stake back (depending on the TVL of this product compared to the total TVL). There is no situation where a superminority or big validator would receive more than they have deposited - in the extreme case, they merely get to liquify their own stake.
What is the rationale behind the proposal?
Liquid staking still represents less than 5% of the overall staked SOL. Only considering the superminority, 135M SOL is currently locked to validators and not participating in DeFi. We can estimate that at least 1/3 of it comes from validators themselves self-staking. If we expand to all validators, the potential SOL unlocked by this product is even higher.
This product is a way to open the door to validators needing to keep enough stake to operate, but that would rather use liquid staking solutions and commit this capital in DeFi.
We anticipate that by unlocking this possibility, Marinade TVL could grow tremendously.
Additionally, considering mSOL and Solend’s APY, using this product would be financially interesting for validators even as they receive back 50% or 30% of their self-stake. This means that those validators could end up distributing half or more of their previously self-stake, without harming their revenue. This would help decentralize Solana even more and this stake would overflow from this product and end up distributed through the delegation strategy.
We expect users of this product to keep their mSOL on whitelisted options for a simple reason: we want to avoid any user gaming the system. For example, a user could theoretically deposit their stake account into this product, move the mSOL to a different wallet, then unstake the mSOL. Under that scenario they could socialize the unstake, while still keeping the percentage they have assigned. Requiring them to keep the mSOL under whitelisted options allows Marinade to ensure that, once they unstake, that stake gets removed specifically from their validator and not pool validators as a whole.
Any other considerations?
- Other whitelisted destinations for the received mSOL can be added in the future if requested by users of this product.
- Solend currently has a cap on mSOL deposit. Improving mSOL liquidity and increasing this cap will be a necessity if the product is widely used. Other whitelisted options can reduce the impact of this.
- Even if Marinade accepts superminority validators participating in this product, it is important to understand that this stake would not move otherwise. By using this product, they accept that a part of their self-stake will eventually be distributed, helping decentralize Solana, as Marinade offers them a financially viable alternative.
- Ideally, a future version would have a smart contract that controls the liquidity from this product and which limits what the user can do with the mSOL. A contract controlling the liquidity could also provide advantages for validators in jurisdictions where getting mSOL could be considered a taxable event. We may implement this once we see what sort of adoption the product gets.
- The team may add new whitelisted destinations for mSOL once we evaluate the product’s adoption. These would not require a new governance vote, as they would not change the product’s core.
Let us know what you think guys!