Should Marinade sell all their Solend tokens for USDC?

Hi @sh8d0w,

It hasn’t been on the forum only, but on the Discord as well, and goes back to proposal 16 (Discord search is terrible, though, and the Governance channel has become noisy). Durden’s clarification about it not being Lifinity officially is valid, but they were phrased in pretty much the same way that he posted, so we need to assume that 22 passing may trigger a governance vote on their end.

I don’t expect people to read every post and comment, so it was good for the community to be aware that was one of the possible externalities, and that this isn’t a situation where Marinade’s SLND holdings created a unilateral view internally.

I can’t say what people assume or don’t. I still think the fact that you distanced yourselves from his antics helps bring discussion back to a constructive approach - that way people know they can ignore him.

On the topic of the original post:

I don’t think Marinade should sell their SLND tokens. Marinade’s SLND ownership puts them nowhere near the top in terms of a major holder, as SLND is slightly more concentrated than MNDE.

Literally no one has commented on the need to sell SLND to be impartial. Even the original poster of this forum had to ask where Solend got their MNDE, before realizing that it came from a swap, before writing this proposal.

Thus, it seems to be more of a personal concern of “screw Solend, dump their tokens”, instead of a valid widespread concern of mDAO being impartial. mDAO is all of us, and it is impossible for a DAO to be partial due to the holdings of the treasury, as what matters more is the constituents that make up the DAO.

However, happy to make the process of exiting it’s SLND position as easy as possible for mDAO, if it comes to it.

Disclaimer: I am a contributor to solendprotocol.


I vote to dump the SLND tokens
edit: FYI my suspension is up