Some facts some of you might have been missing:
If you look at the original partnership proposal from Lifinity and the modified one per the suggestions from Marinade (links&screenshots below),
Lifinity actually proposed rewards be proportional to volume and be distributed to its ve token hodlers.
Marinade counter proposed that the reward be a fixed amount and locked, plus a gauge for Lifinity which can be voted on
Now calling Lifinity mis-use is simply reneging on Marinade’s own words, only 2 months later of the deal.
Marinade is great for the Solana ecosystem and the MNDE war is the correct way to compete. You should encourage more DAO voting rather than suppressing them. If someone as an individual feels too puny, he/she should join a DAO that matches his/her value and has the power to vote so he/she gets his/her share from the DAO.
Reneging on Marinade’s owner words without a reasonable solution or a compromise both parties accept, plus setting up an example that DAOs are not allowed for mass voting is really shooting yourself in the leg