[mDAO Proposal] Delegation Strategy Revamp

Thanks for sharing the opinions!

Ad your first suggestion: This is a very interesting idea but changing vote weights is a tricky topic and we are not sure yet whether it is going to be addressed e.g. by quadratic voting when applying the votes or later in here. Let’s isolate further changes to MNDE gauges. I am also thinking that maybe MNDE gauges eligibility could be changed e.g. to be at least XX % of the score of the last scored validator that received algo. stake. Percentile is a tricky thing to set as what if 50 % validators have almost identical performance (as is the case now.) WDYT about this?

Ad your seconds suggestion (geo decentralization): Yes, this is also quite important and I duly note the feedback, but I would put this for the next iteration. It will be important to do further analysis on what geographical - or even geopolitical distribution means. (E.g. should we consider EU a single entity because of regulations - probably yes? What about staking in geographical areas that participate in an armed conflict and it is more likely that they are going to suffer e.g. large scale power outages? etc) - but this will be a great discussion and if can quantify this metric in the future, we will be able to put it easily to the proposed model.

Ad skip rate: The proposal state that the skip rate used is going to be averaged over 10 epochs (seems like quite a long window); Also for smaller validators the better (for them) from cluster average skip rate and their own skip rate is used. As this is averaged over several epochs, I do not think we need additional set of rules for losing stake and not being able to recover it for x epochs. Afterall, redelegate instruction is coming and we have another project already scoped and planned to implement it, so we can benefit from it.

Ad slashing: Oh yeah, we are going to engage in these discussions - afterall slashing is a feature that truly unlocks the potential of staking pools (and especially with redelegate instruction it gets quite easy for us to react in time)